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Data Collection Techniques

Five data collection methods were used: an interview, topic tests, fact checks, AIMSWeb, and a questionnaire

I interviewed my students one-on-one based on the strategies they used to solve math facts. I showed my students 5 different fact problems: single digit addition, single digit subtraction, adding three numbers, two digit addition, and two digit subtraction. I asked them what strategy they would use to find the answer. The categories were: fingers, mental math, counting on or back, drawing a picture, place value, or no strategy. I tallied each students' response.

Topic Tests

My students took end of topic tests after each math unit. Typically there are 20 questions about the skill and concept that was learned over the course of one to two weeks. I averaged my class score and compared it to when I taught whole group math without a math workshop model.

Fact Checks

These were one digit addition and subtraction checks. There were 20 questions based on one addition or subtraction strategy; such as +2. Every number sentence was adding 2 more. Students had a different fact check based on their level and what number they were on.


The AIMSWeb assessment was given to every student in a one-on-one setting. Students had one minute to complete the given math probe. My students took three math probes: number comparison, math one-digit concepts, and math adding tens. AIMSWeb quickly identified at-risk students early and allowed for progress monitoring of those struggling students. AIMSWeb gave a score and accuracy rating to help group students in ability groups or see which students were struggling or performing at or above grade level.


I wanted to know my students' attitudes towards math before I implemented math workshop. I gave my students a questionnaire based on these questions: I like math time. Math is fun. I like doing math activities. I like problems that challenge me. I like to do math by myself. I like to do math games. I like to do math with the teacher. Timed math tests make me nervous. My students either had to color in a smiley face or a sad face based on their feelings toward math.

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